Carried away

Okay.. I think I'm all done with my syllabus. I am 60% prepared for tomorrow and I hope I'll at least remember 40% of it.

I'm exhausted.. I've been studying from yesterday and calling my friends to know how much they've completed. You know, it's always better to call someone and know how much portion they've covered, it gives you a sudden kick to study even more.. it works for me..

Now, I think I'm gonna go to bed early tonight. I have to wake up tomorrow early in the morning and do the final revision..

I remember the time, when I was in school. I used to study a month before my exams and started doing revisions a week before the final exams.
But as I grew older, I sort of got bored of all studying and competition.
I don't feel like getting the best grades, getting into the best college, getting the highest paid job etc..

I want to just be happy and be passionate about my work.. I really don't aim for higher salary.. ofcourse, I think money is important.. but on the cost of my happiness? No.. never..

How can a movie change your may never know..! & that's what happened with me .. when I first thought of watching 'into the wild' the first thing that popped into my head was "it's about a guy who maybe went for a vacation".  I thought it's just gonna be like the other movies, so I kept postponing it but then the day came when I finally watched it.. And after watching it, I was literally numb. It just blew me away, it made me want to think things the way I never thought of before..  it changed the whole idea of survival..
And it's one of my favourite movies.. I never forgot the things I learned from it..

Well,  if you're one of those people who think movies are a waste of time.. I'm telling you.. you should really start watching some good ones. You'll notice the change in your attitude, the way you think and almost everything.

Honestly, I can talk about this for hours but sadly I can't.. I have to go and organize the stuff for tomorrow.. but stay with me for more updates..
Have a good night.. :)


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