A reason to smile....

Hello readers.. Wazzzuuuupppp?

Yeah... I realize that it's lame but I don't know but I just felt like saying it.. 

So, today was a great day for me.. You know why? because I achieved one another important thing in life. This is something that I wanted from a very long time. So here goes my story..

Yesterday, we were told by our college faculty that we have to visit another college for a job interview and the job was perfect, with good pay and also a lot of growth opportunities.. Everyone was excited and was instantly ready to face the interview. 

I was really not interested in that job but I just wanted to have an experience of an interview. So, I tagged along too.. 

We were asked to report to college by 8 A.M. sharp and guess who was on time? 

ME.. (I'm so punctual)

I wandered in my college campus and found no one, corridors were eerily empty and I had never seen my college like this before. 

Anyway, finally my only friend came and we sat there for 30 minutes waiting for other students to arrive. 

Finally 10 people of my class showed up, we never really had that much of interaction with each other but who cares about friendship on an interview day? "Just be selfish and do your best", I told myself.

We travelled for about two hours,the college was located on the outskirts of the city.

The interview was scheduled at 9:30 A.M. and we reached there at 10:30 A.M. We were late..

Somehow, we managed to find the right building and also the place where it was happening. We entered the seminar hall and it was filled with students.

My confidence was bit shaken when I looked at those students, everyone was looking so good and fearless.. I was thinking to myself that these students must be really good at everything since their campus is good and better than ours, so more opportunities for growth and development. All sorts of things were crossing my mind.

As the seminar started by a middle aged woman, who was the HR manager of the company, who didn't even bother to brush her hair and wear formals, I understood the level. She started with a simple question and none of those students answered. Everyone was just staring at her face. So, I knew they were not better than us for sure..instead they're just like us.. ignorant.

It already had been 2-3 hours, she was talking constantly and my headache was kicking in. Then suddenly She said,the interview will be conducted on april and left. All the students also left but us.. We were so disappointed, furious and annoyed. They ruined our day and wasted our time.

We were sitting there looking at each other and asking.. "now what?" , "we came here for nothing..", "we wasted an entire day just for this?", "what should we do now?" 

There was nothing we could do but go back to our college and complain.

But we decided to stay for sometime and take a tour of the big campus and just wander our mind off from the frustration.. and I can't express in words how much fun we all had that time.. I laughed so much today after a very long time. We took a lot of photos and talked about random things.

All the misconceptions we had, was cleared, once we got to know one another..

We shared about all the things we had been facing in life and also everyone praised me for putting up instagram stories of cakes and bakes..

Now when I think about it, if only, I had decided to stay back home then I guess, I would've never gotten a chance to know these people.  

I learned that some days are hard but they happen for a reason and that reason is enough to make us smile..

Although this was a minor issue..but still it disturbed our mind a bit.. and we did learn something from this day

looking for happiness in the pool of sadness and disappointment is NOT THAT HARD.. whenever you have a bad day just LOOK AT THE BRIGHT SIDE


  1. You are lame �� but this is beautiful ��♥️


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