A big change

Someone wise once said "key to a happy life is good, nutritious food and exercise". Well, let me tell you something, whoever said this is goddamn right!
I actually feel a lot happier than before. I feel positive and active all day long. I don't doze off in a boring lecture or just pretend to listen. I'm literally gaining something out of those lectures. Overall I feel good and healthy.

There was a time when I used to put multiple alarms, swore to myself that I will get up early at any cost. But I knew I was just kidding myself. I knew tomorrow, as soon as the alarm bell rings, I'll switch it off. I lied and cheated myself over and over again.

I lied to myself about a lot of things. Now lying is a sin, we all know that but we lie to ourselves without even being aware of it. The moment you say "I'll start exercising from tomorrow" or "just a sliver of a cake, I won't eat it all", ALL LIES!!
Because you know there's another excuse ready for tomorrow. Because you know the whole cake is gonna end up in your stomach. Right?

The only way to overcome this habit is 'noticing'. Just notice what the voices inside your head are telling you to do. Just notice if it's something positive or negative. By noticing small details, you can learn a great deal about yourselves. This is something I personally experienced. It did work on me. The amount of lies I tell to myself has been reduced. Now whenever something negative comes to my mind, I push that idea out of my head. I feel more positive and confident than before.

I was always a back bencher, never bothered to listen or to respond. Whenever there was an opportunity to face the crowd, I would always bow out. Somewhere, deep inside, I knew I was not good enough, everyone will know about my flaws and probably make fun of me. If there was a debate competition held by the college I would first look at my competitors and then I blench. I had this inferiority complex, I felt others have a good command in english and they probably have better ideas than me.

After spending 3 years in college by absolutely achieving nothing, now I know I am better than I think I'm. I should give myself a chance. To grow, we must face the competition. Even if we say something wrong, people will sure laugh at us and make fun of us. But it's okay, at least they laughed and had a good time because of us. Take this as a challenge and next time come up again stronger than before.

These ideas are not mine ofcourse. Everything I've written here is said by a lot of successful people in a speech or an interview. This is something I've experienced, I've implemented all the ideas and got a positive result. I feel myself growing everyday.

Now I can finally say that I got my shit together.

So what are you waiting for? Make a change in your lives too. Just a small change can leave a big impact on your personality and perspective.
Goodnight. :)


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