Decluttering in process..


I made a decision today and that decision is really hard to implement. This is something I've never done before because I was afraid. But now.. I feel fearless.. As my college life came to an end. I thought about..

Decluttering my life..!

That means I chose to cut those people out of my life who just don't care about me at all..! I know I may sound immature but this is the right thing to do..

People really matter and we should be around those people who motivate us, guide us, who believe in us and don't want to ever hurt us intentionally.

In short, we should be around good people.

Those people are the ones you want in your life. The circle we choose is really important for our development. If we're around the people who always try to drag us down to the ground, then I suggest it's better to walk away from them rather than letting them walk all over on us..!

This is a hard thing to do. But it's not impossible.. sometimes for our peace of mind we have to make hard choices..

There was a time when I used to think that these were the perfect people I can be around but when I spent more and more time with them.. I changed. I became more negative and less confident. I used to doubt myself because of something they said to me.. I spent hours thinking about that thing they said.. which was ridiculous..

As I grew older, I realized that they can't impose their views on me. And I shouldn't nod yes to everything they say.
So, I stopped nodding and started thinking out loud. That led to many ugly arguments that no one could stop and nobody loves to fight or argue..

So I'm just gonna walk away and never speak to them again.. it's so much easier and the right thing to do.

It's gonna hurt a bit..but hey! Time heals everything.

I think you should also think about decluttering too because you've got one life and believe don't want to waste it on the wrong people.. :)



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