Evil tricks of life..!

Hello readers..
My College is about to end and I just can't get it out of my head so I decided to share my journey with you guys.

I remember my first day of college, I was so nervous. All the time I was thinking about whether I'll make friends or not. Whether people will like me for who I'm or do I have to pretend like someone else..
What do I do.. what do I doo.. !!!

I entered the class and I was the first one to arrive so I sat on the third bench, because who sits on the first bench on the very first day?

Slowly, the room began to fill in with all the students. Everyone at that time arrived in groups. They all came in with their school buddies and I was the only one who came alone to this college.

This reminded me how much I tried to convince my friends to take admission in the same college and in the same stream but they all had other plans, so I chose to come alone.

The chances of making friends were zero at this point of the time.

Couple months later, I was still alone. I literally had no one to talk to. So in the lunch break I used to call my school buddies just to kick off the lonliness.

Then I met some wonderful people. We all hung out often, bunked classes almost every other day. It reflected on my grades though but it was all okay because I was happy finally.

Everything changed after six months. Some of my friends left college and some chose to be at home. I was again accompanied by lonliness. But this time I didn't mind. I guess I became more mature. Maybe I understood I can be my best friend and I don't need anybody else to make me happy.

Well.. God certainly had other plans. He didn't want me to survive college with lonliness. So, he sent two people in my life who are now my best friends. These two clowns practically changed my life to better.

It's just funny how I saw these two everyday in class and never talked. The impression they had created in my mind was not good. I used to think that they're really mean and arrogant. Untill I actually got to know them. They're really kind and not at all mean. Actually, I've learnt so much from them..

They taught me to be carefree and dance your sorrows away. They never judged me for the decisions I had ever made in my life. They taught me to be positive and strong in any situation. And most importantly, they liked me for who I'm.

I'm happy that I made friends for life.

And now when I'm finally loving college, it's about to end. I wish we had more time to spend together. It would be weird not seeing them everyday. 

I wish I had met them in the first year itself. I wish I hadn't wasted two years searching for a friend in every other person. I wish I knew that first impressions can be deceiving.

Well.. this is life, I guess. When we get so much attached to someone, at some point, we have to part ways with them. It sucks but what can we do but to go with the flow?..


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