Connecting with the wild..

I was in my garden, on my phone, chatting with my friend about some unimportant stuff. Then I witnessed a shadow of a strange creature. For a moment, I thought maybe it's one of my cats then I went closer and saw a puppy eating all the leftover food from my cat's bowl. The puppy's bones were visible through her skin, she was totally undernourished. As soon as she saw me, she ran away. I knew she came inside from the vacant cornor of the gate, one can imagine how thin she was. I tried to follow her but she was so scared and just disappeared in seconds.

Dogs are known for their friendly nature. They don't shy away when they see a human being. But this puppy was so afraid of a human touch that she would hide away or run away from us. This showed the kind of treatment she got from the people she ever met. Everytime I think about it, my heart breaks. I swore to myself, to help this puppy become healthy and happy.

My neighbours don't feed stray dogs. They believe these dogs will attack their children one day if fed. And who can blame them for thinking like that? Media has created a false image of stray dogs in their minds.
People read and see all kinds of facts about children being mauled to death by stray dogs. It's obviously frightening. It's not wise to feed a beast when you know it's gonna eat you one day. Right?

But what if I tell you that you're being misinformed? It's just a myth and we can easily burst this bubble of myth right now. We tend to become more aggressive and grumpy when we're hungry. We make wrong decisions, we yell or hit people we love. We tend to forget about right and wrong in that moment. Hunger drives us crazy, our brain stops analysing things, on an empty stomach.

Just watch discovery for a change, there are a lot of stories about group of people stuck in the middle of a sea or an island, feasting on another human's flesh for survival. These stories are telecasted proudly. Why? Because these people followed their basic survival instincts and did whatever necessary to keep themselves alive. 
This is what hunger does to us and all the other animals existing on this planet. If we can justify 'survivors' actions then why do we have to punish the dogs for behaving like an 'animal'? 

They don't have a voice, it's a major drawback for them. We mistreat them everyday, throw rocks at them. Let children tease them or hurt them. All of this happens only because they don't have a voice. We can do whatever we want to them because they can't talk. They feel everything yet they come back to us by wagging their tails. I don't know what we humans ever did to deserve dogs.

No dog ever attacked a human without a reason. Try spending time on YouTube and you'll find hundreds of videos there of dogs and babies playing together. The dogs which are generally known for their aggressiveness are calmly sleeping with toddlers. How would you explain this behaviour? Easy, these dogs are well fed and well cared.

Your children will be safe if you feed the strays and if possible adopt one. Give them a nice home, care and love. Everyone deserves love, a warm meal and a bed. And the most important thing is to teach your children to be nice to the animals.

Dogs have a short life, make their journey beautiful. And I know they're going to make your life beautiful too. You can never forget the love of a dog. They just double the amount of love you give to them.

With you, change happens. A small step can change lives..

Spread love..


  1. Simply mind blowing 👍🏻😊 worth reading 👍🏻

    1. Thank you.. I'm glad you liked it.. 😊❤️


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