The ultimate fear of math.

Who hates math here? Well, I do.. I think maths is the only subject which haunts me all the time. To be honest, whenever I'm asked to solve a question I get panic attacks. Literally, I get so afraid that I could see the numbers jumble.

I'm not very good at practicals but I'm great at theory. I can write more than 20 pages on 'bread' which is normally I do on my theory papers. You wanna know how? Just write anything, anything that makes sense or no sense at all. If something comes to your mind then write it down on the paper, that's it.

I never took mathematics as a serious subject. I would always study in the end and never bothered to practice. I always got really bad grades like C or D.

Growing up, I realized that I'm being unfair and I should give mathematics another try and study seriously. So in 11th & 12th, I took maths as additional subject (my main subject was commerce) and it turned out to be the worst decision ever.

I remember those days when it was the time for my 12th board exams and I used to be up all night cramming the formulas. I, somehow managed to get passing grades which was because of my luck not because of my so called "hardwork."

So, tomorrow is my exam of quantitative techniques and I'm not at all prepared for it. It's been 45 minutes and I'm still stuck in the chapter probability. I hate this chapter. I never understood it no matter how hard I tried.
And this time I've decided that I'll not let fear take charge of my mind and I'll try to solve all the questions.

Wish me luck, I really need it. I need to at least get passing grades this time too..

Good night everyone. <3


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