Imperfectly perfect.

Creating new things is what I love to do. So yesterday I made these lamingtons for the first time and I'm really happy with the result. I made them for my friend as a birthday gift and I'm so glad that he loved it. Although they're imperfect, not even from each side but it's okay. It's what on the inside counts.
My recipe differs a lot with the actual recipe but the process is the same. 

First of all I made my classic biscuit cake, it came off really well. Moist inside and crispy outside. I don't usually measure my ingredients while baking which I know is a sin! In my defence, I don't have a weighing scale. I just follow my instincts and all my senses. And It's okay for me because I've been making cakes for like 3 years. So I really trust myself. Lol

Then I melted chocolate ,  I used both dark and white chocolate. I melted them in the microwave three times for 30 seconds interval. It's important to keep an eye on the chocolate and scraping the bottom of the bowl and make sure the chocolate doesn't burn. Too much heat can mess with the texture of the chocolate. So there aren't any mistakes allowed while working with chocolate.

If you don't prefer microwave then fret not. You can melt it over bain marie. What's a Bain Marie? Let me explain, fill a saucepan with some water, it should be only 2 cms deep. Not more than that. Bring this water to a simmering point. Now place a double sized glass bowl over the top of the saucepan. The water shouldn't touch the bowl and you'll notice that chocolate is melting gradually. Stir it continuously untill each piece of chocolate is melted.

Then I took my cake, I cut it into even cubes and dipped them into the melted chocolate . And left it to set on the room temperature. It's winter, so chocolate sets really fast.

I finished off by decorating my white lamingtons with coffee almond sauce and for the dark ones, I drizzed remaining white chocolate over it.
Voila! you have now your own version of lamingtons. Simple and delicious.


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