I can't stay focussed

Happy Sunday everyone.
My Sundays and mondays are always the same. I rarely attend college on Mondays because I'm the laziest girl on this planet.
So tomorrow I have an exam of sales and advertising management and it seems easy for now but the subject is vast. I hope I cover all the units by the evening and then I'll revise thoroughly tomorrow morning.
I'm studying from the past half an hour and now I took a break to just check my Instagram. I was scrolling the feeds (which never seem to have an end) and came across this one post.
I thought of sharing this picture with all of you, to help you stay motivated throughout the day.
I haven't done anything much for myself lately. I get distracted so much.
I've been eating junk food this week and missed the gym couple of times. I realised I have to stop now and do something about it. I need to stay focussed. So I started everything all over again.
I did workout at my home today as I don't have time to hit the gym.
Now I'm again gonna go get busy studying sales & advertisement. 

Have a great Sunday everyone and takecare


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