A trip to the market..

I know I don't post a lot because I'm really busy these days, I'm busy entertaining my sister by making things for her day and night. And you all know how much I love to cook and I would do anything for her. She's my idol and one of the strongest women I know.

So, today I'm going to share one ugly incident happened with me day before yesterday. I went to the local market for buying best quality fish. I've never been to that market before, because it's too crowdy and stinky. It becomes a mud puddle in the rainy season, that's why I avoid going there. But this time I dared to go for the ingredient.

When I reached that market, I didn't realise one thing which I should've that it was sectioned into two parts. One side of the road had fruits and vegetables market and the other side of the road had all the fish & meat market. I didn't knew that before.

So, I entered the vegetable market and I wandered there for approximately 15 minutes. I was waking deep into the market and I couldn't find the fish vendors. I looked everywhere, it's a huge market covered with people, full of hustle and bustle. I got confused and asked one vendor if I'm going in the right direction or not. He told me that I'm in the wrong place and I should go to the other side of the road.

Now, I felt like a complete loser here. I should've done that before but I get really anxious while talking to people, I'm a weirdo I know. Anyway I was on my way to cross the road then suddenly one strange man stopped me, he put his hand on my shoulder and I was startled, there were a lot of thoughts running in my mind. I thought maybe he needs help or something, the second I looked into his eyes, I immediately knew that he was either drunk or stoned. Now was the time when I felt really scared of him. I pushed him away, but then he held my hand really tight and everyone was looking at us but no one was doing anything to help me. I literally yelled at him saying "what are you doing leave my hand" & I was even prepared to slap him but thank god things didn't get ugly. He looked at me for a minute then released my hand and went away. I walked out of that place as fast as I can, tears were rolling down my cheeks.

It was not first time I faced harassment but everytime it happens, I just get so scared and can't control my tears. I hate that people just watch a girl getting harassed and don't do anything. They don't really like to get involved in other people's business but they do like to watch and have fun. I really think that's why it's important to be strong and trust yourself more than others. Only you can help yourself. Never depend on others for your protection. Be bold and raise your voice.


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