
I'm not against gossiping. But I think If it's in moderation then it's fine but if it becomes a continuous habit then no, it's not.

Why I think 'moderation' normal? Because I like to live in a real world not in an ideal world. It's okay to rant about stuff once in a while,  it's okay if you're mad at your friend and want to get it out of your system so you talk about it with your other friend.

But some people have a constant habit of gossiping. Everyday they talk about other people's failures or give excuses for their success. I think people who do this are the most saddest people on this planet..but on the inside.. they pity themselves. And when they see others living a good and happy life, they get jealous. And out of jealousy they start talking.

One thing to remember is that,  grass is always greener on the other side, Maybe their life isn't so great either. We don't know what they're going through.

Think about the amount of energy you're wasting talking about others. You can put that energy for a better use. That energy maybe enough to change your life, if you focus on yourself. Think about the changes you want in your life or what do you really want to do. Start implementing the little changes.

I'm writing about this today because I used to be one of those people who couldn't help but feel sorry for myself and I felt jealous when other people excelled in their lives.

Later, I identified myself as a person having self-esteem issues. And now.. I keep myself away from frivolous things and focus more on improving myself.


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