The past

I was coming home from college, a hectic day.. and suddenly I realized that I don't know what I am going to do in future. Everyone around me, my friends and my classmates had figured out everything they wanted to do with their life.. I was sinking.. literally sinking.. I was never interested in management yet I was doing bachelor's of business administration..I always wanted to do something which is more creative and fun.. but still.. did I had any other choice? 
Just like any other confused person.. I started following "the crowd". Everyone around me was running after MBA, So along with them I joined coaching for the entrance exam. My only goal here was to secure my future. That's it.. before joining the coaching I pictured everything about my future in my head I imagined things like "I'll be rich and successful after MBA". But reality struck me in the coaching. I was so bad at math and reasoning.. I was so lazy and didn't even bothered to practice. I couldn't show that much interest and passion.
But one day.. I decided to quit the coaching, and that's the best decision I had ever made so far. I quit because I found my passion..
Luckily, my parents were supportive and so understanding.. 
Now, I am really happy and less stressed out about future. I am just focusing on completing the bachelor's degree first and then I'll figure out about my future.. 
I can officially say that I am not following "the crowd" anymore.


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