
2017 has been a rollercoaster ride for me. I had many best days and some worst days. I learned a lot this year, I grew my understanding and now I want to grow my personality.
My only problem is that I get easily distracted from my goals. I start things which I want to do, first two days are always great. I complete that work with full energy but as the days pass by, I begin to lose that energy, that motivation. Then again I am back to the normal state where I just feel like "go with the flow, who cares" and I leave that work in the middle and be in my comfort zone again.
I created this blog to write my everyday story of getting out of my comfort zone. I will do things which I've never done before or thought of doing.
I have a list of things to achieve and I hope through these daily updates I'll stay energetic and motivated untill I reach my destination.

  1.  Stop procrastinating
  2.  Eat healthy
  3. Exercise
  4. Develop vocabulary
  5. Develop confidence
  6.  Stay calm

These are things that I want to do. This is not like a New year's resolution, I don't believe in all that. As I've mentioned in my previous post that I live in the present and I'll work on these things right away. Stay with me for daily updates..



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