Day one of motivation.

Ah finally..! Saturday is here. I have no plans yet, I used to have plans every weekend. I used to hangout with my friends, we treat ourselves with a lot of food and probably that's the reason why I have belly fat now.. well anyway, I started my day with some Ragi (finger millet) malt. It's the healthiest drink on this planet but it's mostly famous in southern parts of India. And I am a south Indian, so we make this at our home everyday. My mother told me how in earlier days, the farmers used to have this malt every morning and went to work. This kept them energized throughout the day. And it's very easy to make, the best part is that It can be made in like 5 minutes.

Just combine 4tbsp of Ragi flour with some water and let it boil. Then you'll be left with thick, luscious cooked Ragi batter. Now mix some buttermilk into it, a pinch of salt and a squeeze in some lemon juice.

Later, I had some freshly squeezed orange juice and a cheese toast, after two hours, I'll have my bean sprouts. I planned my diet schedule and paste it on the wall where I can see it. It will help me remind that I need to eat at this time and eat what exactly. 

My exams are near and I haven't studied a bit, I am bit tensed because this semester was not that great, I barely attended classes. So I am going to focus on that. Good news is I found my vocab cards and later in the evening I'll try to memorize as many words as possible.
I hope everything works according to the plan. Stay with me for more updates and have a good day.  :)


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