Busy day..
Oh my godddd.. I am freaking out. As you people know my marketing research's exam is on Friday and I haven't studied a bit. I opened my book now.. the subject is really vast. I don't think I can complete it. But it's okay.. I'll try to cover the portion that's easy and then give a reading to the hard topics.
I never cheat on my main exams, I don't like the idea of cheating. I know a lot of you people may think that I am a freak or trying to be righteous and stuff..then noo...this is the way I am, from the beginning. I believe in gaining the knowledge. And not depend on others for this. I try to solve as many questions I can using my brain.
I'll quote Joey Tribbiani from Friends for my current situation
"Whatever happens, happens.. destiny!"
Anyway, yesterday was great.. everything went according to the plan. I took the meals after every 2 hours and I went to the gym, did some weight training. Then I came back home, took a shower and ofcourse, wasted my time scrolling Instagram feeds.
Now, I am going to make some chicken for myself and for my cats. By the way, yeah I have cats, six cats. They're stray but we feed them and they kind of stay here now..
I hope everyone's day is going really well, if not then take a break from the routine and spend the day by doing the things that you wanna do..
Takecare.. :)
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