A weekend to remember

I had the craziest Saturday ever.. I mean, yeah, I did many crazy things before but never had I ever done something as stupid as the thing I did yesterday.
My diet plan went to the trash. I couldn't stick to it. Everything was going good then I got a call from my friend, we had to go to college and collect our exam hall ticket. So, I went to the college and waited for hours in the line. I payed my dues and took my hall ticket. It was already 3:30 p.m. My friend had invited me over to her house for lunch. We had lunch, then chatted for a while, which turned out to be an hour then I said goodbye to her & reached my home at 6:00p.m and then I had to clean up the messy kitchen. There was a lot of work to do, I totally forgot about the vocab cards.
I made dinner around 10p.m and watched some TV.
I came out of my room and the dining hall was smelling like gas. I was in panic. I immediately checked everything and stopped the leakage. It was already 2 a.m. I opened all the doors and windows and woke my grandpa up.
He sat up and said "everything will be alright, go to sleep." And he slept till morning but I couldn't.
I talked to my friends and they told me to not worry so much but I don't know why I started getting panic attacks. Somehow, I calmed myself down and went to sleep. I had so many bad dreams and I felt miserable when I woke up.
I couldn't think abt anything but last night and I have no idea what I am going to do today.
I guess making plans for the day is just a waste of time, anything never goes according to the plans but situations.
Have a happy sunday guys.. <3


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