A promise

Happy New year everyone...

This is the day when most of us feel motivated to 'do' things. This is the day when we actually think about ourselves. We make new year resolutions which never seem to last more than a day or two. You know why? Because we're too lazy to work on them, we don't like to give up our comfort zone at any cost, we actually don't find ourselves that important.
There it is.. I said it. I said the bitter truth today.
I never found myself important too. I abused my body with eating and my mind by worrying too much about things. I want to change. And literally, I'm trying my best.
When 2017 started. I made a lot of resolutions but never had I ever focused on working on those things. I thought about writing, even I created many blogs but I couldn't stick on the schedule. I ran out of things to write. I got really nervous thinking that I'm not enough, my english sucks, I can't do this everyone will judge me and blah.
And eventually, I forgot about the blog and left it in the middle.

I thank everyone who came in my life. Some of them were angels and some were devils but if I had a chance to go back in time and erase those devils, I won't do it. Because of these devils I'm a stronger person now.
I'm a better person today than I was a year ago.
After these bad experiences, I promised myself that I'll make myself important and I won't give up on things that I started. I'll not try to fit in the crowd, I'll stand out.


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