Sacher torte, my way..

Hey guys.. It's me again showing up after a month. I know you all have a lot of questions why I stopped writing all of a sudden. The reason is simple, I lost my focus. I couldn't find anything to write about or even felt like talking to someone. I was so busy in doing my college work and stressing out about lot of things. Anyway, I finally got time for myself today. And I utilized that time by making sacher torte. Sacher torte is an austrain chocolate cake, with apricot jam filling and glazed with dark chocolate ganache. I started off by making chocolate cake. Now, the recipe of this chocolate cake is different from all the chocolate cakes I've ever made. I made meringue by whisking egg whites with granulated sugar. Since, I don't have a stand mixer or a hand mixer. I used the strength of my hand and with the help of balloon whisk, I managed to complete the task. Later, I folded this mixture carefully into my chocolate cake base, feel free to use the box cake mixtu...